Quotes From "One False Note" By Gordon Korman

Nellie grinned. "I always wanted to go to Venice. It's supposed to be the romance capital of the world."" Sweet, " put in Dan. "Too bad your date is an Egyptian Mau on a hunger strike." The au pair sighed. "Better than an eleven-year-old with a big mouth. Gordon Korman
He watched in awe as she stacked up an enormous armload of music. "There, " she finished, slapping Frank Zappa's Greatest Hits on top of the pile. "That should do for a start." "You are a music lover, " said the wide-eyed cashier. "No, I'm a kleptomaniac." And she dashed out the door. He was so utterly shocked that it took him a moment to run after her. With a meaningful nod in the direction of the astounded Cahills, she barreled down the cobblestone street with her load. "Fermati! " shouted the cashier, scrambling in breathless pursuit. Nellie let a few CDs drop and watched with satisfaction over her shoulder as the clerk stopped to pick them up. The trick would be to keep the chase going just long enough for Amy and Dan to search Disco Volante. Yikes, she reflected suddenly, I'm starting to think like a Cahill.. And if she was nuts enough to hang around this family, it was only going to get worse. Gordon Korman
For someone who'e smarter than a supercomputer, sometimes you're a...
For someone who'e smarter than a supercomputer, sometimes you're a real idiot. Gordon Korman
Amy turned to Nellie. "Can you create a diversion to draw the clerk outside?" The au pair was wary. "What kind of diversion?"" You could pretend to be lost, " Dan proposed. "The guy comes out to give you directions, and we slip inside."" That's the most sexist idea I've ever heard, " Nellie said harshly. "I'm female, so I have to be clueless. He's male, so he's got a great sense of direc Gordon Korman
I hate France. It's like the whole country's on a diet Gordon Korman
For someone who's smarter than a supercomputer, sometimes you're a real idiot. Gordon Korman